Irish American Writers and Artists |
Writers eager to work out new material and/or practice reading in front of groups, Irish or Irish American singers looking to find an audience, poets looking to work out lines of their prose, playwrights eager to put parts of their plays through the paces, and non-writers and artists looking to get a peek into the cutting edge of talent from our culture are all welcome to join us. It’s a great networking opportunity for artists!
Each performer is limited to five-seven minutes and spaces are expected to fill up quickly. Admission is free. Anyone is welcome to bring their CDs or books to sell (bring change!), and a donation for the light refreshments is always appreciated.
The Irish American Cultural Institute is located at 1 Lackawanna Place in Morristown, right across the street from the Jersey Transit rail station (a short 20 minute train ride from New York City). The phone number is 973-605-1991. We will then convene to Hennessy's Washington House afterwards for drinks and tapas.
I have posed the question to readers of this column before -- is there a book you’ve been dying to write? A few lines of poetry yet to be expressed?
If so, I highly encourage you to break through whatever thoughts or confidence breaches that are keeping you from expressing yourself and come meet a group of friendly faces in the same exact boat as you.
New writers get a chance to mingle with experienced ones to get fresh perspectives and of course, someone whips out a flute or a bodhran by the end of the night for some mighty craic!