Dear MTN,

I need your advice. I don't think I need the help of your services, since I am a very wealthy man and I can meet single women everywhere I go, but every beautiful woman I get involved with, there is one (same) thing missing from all of them.

I am obviously giving you a different name for my privacy, but I would like your dating coaching advice on how I can meet a woman who has this one unique quality right from the beginning, so I don't keep wasting time like I've been doing for the past eight years.

I was happily married to a wonderful woman who shared my desire to have a highly sexual "outside the box" sex life. It was fantastic. I lost her eight years ago to cancer. Again, since I am blessed with financial security and do not even need to work anymore, I simply took on a job that I can just help people. I only work part time as well. I have been told by many that I am a very handsome man. I am 65 years old and am in great shape. The most important quality for me in having a committed relationship, or if I ever get married again, is simple; she must be highly sexual, have no hang ups when it comes to sex, be very sexy, and be open to making passionate sex at the drop of a hat. I also prefer a much younger woman. I find woman my age or a little younger are not open to my desire of enjoying a very sexual relationship 24/7.

Again, I meet women all the time. I try to get across my desires as early on into the relationship as possible as to not waste time with the wrong woman for me, but I've noticed it usually scares women off if I divulge too much about my sexual needs too soon. On the other hand, I've tried waiting until the woman is ready to have sex with me, and that doesn't seem to work out either, since I can't seem to find a woman who shares the level of sexual desire that I enjoy.

If you are wondering what she will get from a relationship with me? If she is as highly sexual as me, and able to fulfill my sexual needs, she will live a life of luxury and never have to work again. All I ask is that she be hopefully in her thirties, so she doesn't possess the hang ups of the older women I meet. 

What do you suggest I do to find out right away if we are compatible, without scaring her away?

- John

Dear John,

You are 65 and want a woman in her thirties who will drop her entire life for you and give you "out of the box" sex 24/7...I'm afraid I need to open your eyes to the fact that you might be a sex-a-holic. 

Without being judgmental, all I feel comfortable is suggesting to you that you get professional help from a trained therapist who deals with sexual issues. That is the person you should be asking help of. I am sorry to say, I don't feel you are looking for a healthy relationship, therefore, I am the wrong person to answer or help you with your sexual addiction. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, but I do hope you take my advice and get professional help. 

Best of luck to you,
 - MTN