Irish Family History Topics 196
Among Todays Topics at the Irish Roots Cafe:
1) Irish Family Name Focus on Cormick
2) Search for Talbot, Tumpane, Carrigan & Flynn
3) Notes on our Favorite Irish Festival in the U.S.
4) Sean Nós Irish Song Awards tent 2011 - 2012 !
5) YouTube Genealogy ‘Video Shorts’ added !
6) Scandalous Irish Family Name from Sexton.
Listen to all of our podcasts at
We have three types of podcasts:
1) Free for all 2) archived (fee) 3) Members only podcasts
Irish Family History and Genealogy
with curious news and notes.
From the Irish Roots Cafe at
Total Time: 25:50
Our Enhanced Irish Family History podcast with photos
and links can be found at:
Notes This Week:
What’s happening today at the Irish Roots Cafe
1) Just catching up on things here, you know we
are usually so filled with Irishness after the Dublin,
Ohio Festival that we don’t have the energy to make
it to the K.C. festival which is next on our list… but
maybe this year we will be able to gear up for it, and
see how things are going - maybe even sing a song
or two. I hear it is rip-roarin’ now…
Louisville Irish Arts
2) Did I tell you about the Louisville, Kentucky,
Irish Arts Festival yet ?
Well, Barbara Fields stopped by our tent in
Dublin and introduced herself and this nice event.
Hope we will be able to make it - at least in 2012 !
(if not 2011)
Folks We Met
3) And talking about who dropped by the festival,
I also recall Brian O’Neill of the O’Neill Clann
Association who is a good one, and of course the
Ward Irish Sheet music exhibit again this year, and
Kathleen Whitt, who judged us at the SeanNós
competition song tent at Dublin, goin for the gold !
Meet Me Next Year
Hey, next year I want to get a group to show up for
this friendly session of singing old style, in the Irish
Language. Lots of us beginners out there.
So, put it on your list and contact me today if you
are going to be there next year !
YouTube Genealogy Video
4) Speaking of our Irish Video Shorts on YouTube.
You can find most of them under my account name
of MicktheBridge.
That’s the name I use to hide out from everyone
when I sing.
(My channel is the Irish Roots Cafe on YouTube.)
The first 16 video shorts are up and posted there,
with a focus on Genealogy, History, and of course
Books to help research the same !
The Link:
The link to our helpful videos on YouTube:
We will be adding some traditional and Sean Nós
song videos shortly and more on genealogy.
So keep your eyes open for them.
At The Irish Festival
We always run into the most interesting people
and stories at the Irish Fest in Dublin, Ohio. It’s
been that way for 13 years or so, and they keep
asking us back as consultants and exhibitors in
the genealogy tent- and sometimes to teach at the
Irish Academy there before the fest. (Something
too few people really have taken advantage of. )
I’ll play the recording I made with one researcher
this year about an Irishman who married someone
who required he change his name before they were
united. Well, so Costello did, but there is a surprise
ending. And for all of you who wonder where your
family went…. take a listen to this one ! (podcast 196)
Irish Names Researched
Here are just a few of the names that I recall being
looked after by researchers this year, maybe if I put
them all out there, I will be able to get them out of
my mind:
Dorsey; Milligan; Costello (2); Walsh; Murphy; Riley;
O’Neyland with the unicorn arms; O’Brien of Missouri;
MacNamara (2); Roach; McGee; McCann; Corbett;
Ramsay (looking for a Scots kilt now): Hanrahan; and
The most scandalous of all Irish names: Sexton was
shortened to the name of ‘Sex’, and it said so on his
drivers license, just to make sure I took it seriously..
We had at least 4 families mention County Wexford
this year, all along with Clare; and Cork; and Cavan…
Tough Ones
I remember looking for Nephan and advising it could
be from a more common spelling of Nevin. They were
also looking for Grimes of County Mayo, Ireland; and
deClare from France, avoiding persecution; and Garmon
was another good one, perhaps from Gorman. The
scarcest one of all for me was: ‘Busher’, and I’ve heard
a million family searches, but this was the first ‘Busher’.
Emergency Evacuation
Of course there was so much going on outside of the
genealogy tent. A lot of acts from Ireland and the U.S..
I did manage to hear Karan Casey, whom I first heard
on the Highland Sessions CD - what a job she did with
Buille Macree….. and ran into most of the music group
‘Kelly’ from the Kansas City area, always worth a listen,
but there was a problem when a storm broke out and
the festival had to be evacuated ! All ended well with
improptu concerts inside the safe buildings for those
who fled that direction.
Our favorite fest food was the grilled salmon on a bun,
which could be had in 3 minutes flat. I wonder why I
can’t get that at the drive through at home…..
Now, the only other panic type situation that comes to
mind. Each year one or two folks come up an break
into a conversation, push to the front of the line and
both begging and demanding ask:
“Where is the Bathroom ?” With panic on their faces.
Luckily it is just 20 seconds away, and the signs get
bigger every year I think.
Well, I’ve missed more than I can tell, including
Brian Boru, the Workshops, Storytelling, etc...
But these were the things stamped first in my
mind this year…. see you next time I hope..
We raise our eyes skywards, give thanks, and ask for help !
Here are todays “Magnificent Seven” :
1) Linda Knowlton of Long Beach, CA, your
Co. Roscommon, Ireland genealogy book has shipped !
2) Luke Mullins of Mosinee, WI. welcome as a new
3) Rick McCarthy of Sidney, BC, Canada your
Families of County Cork has shipped.
4) David Cremeens of Irwin, PA, your Families of
Co. Cork has shipped.
5) Michael Ranspot of Kew, United Kingdom, your
Kings and Queens County book; birth index; spellings
book and Co. Kildare book has shipped !
6) Jeanne Bruno of Eads, TN welcome as a new member !
I am researching Talbot / Tumpane in Co. Tipperary and
Carrigan / Flynn in County Leitrim.
7) Kathy Allen of Port Charlotte, FL.,
welcome as a new member !
Catherine Harrington @ 1845. Patrick U. Sullivan @ 1842.
Both gr grandparents b. Ire. to U.S. before 1870. Lived in
Fall River, MA. on Snell St when my grmother was a little
girl. Her name was Catherine Mae Sullivan b. 1876. They
had 3 other children that I know of, James, Margaret, Julia.
Check out our online search list at:
Thanks to all of our members - without you these
podcasts would not be possible - !
Sponsors are welcome and needed.
Irish Family Name of the Day:
Irish Family Name of the Day:
Todays family history in honor of :
Related Spellings of the Name
McCormick, McCormack, Cormac, Cormican, Cormicke,
O’Cormick, etc…
Varient Spelling Groups: #335, #1274, #2161
The Guide to the Various Spellings of Irish Family Names
History of the Name
The name may come originally from O’Cormac, Mac Cormack,
or may have Scottish origins when found in Ulster as well.
The 1890 index shows McCormick as the preferred spelling in
the Ulster counties of Antrim and Down. McCormack is favored
in Dublin, Mayo, Roscommon and Limerick. The shortened
form of Cormack is found in Kilkenny and Tipperary in much
smaller numbers.
17th Century
In 1659 Cormac was a principal name of Kildare, O’Cormack a
principal name of Cork and also found in Limerick, while
McCormack was a principal name in Down also found in Cork,
Kerry, Limerick and Roscommon.
The name could also come from O’Cormacan or Cormican
origins….end of partial extract from the Book of Irish Families,
great & small.
copyright 2010, IGF, based in part upon
The Book of Irish Families, great and small
Irish Family Coats of Arms From the Irish Book of Arms
A Brief search in that work shows:
1) Cormacan is given on page 21 of our ‘Irish Book of Arms’
no illustration. From the original.
The Free Master online index at shows:
Listings for the name many times, here are a few examples:
1) Cormic in the 1659 Census of Ireland.
2) Cormick in ‘The Families of Co. Clare, Ireland’.
3) Cormick in ‘County Mayo genealogy & family History notes.
4) Cormick in ‘ Longford ‘’
5) Cormick in ‘ Meath and Westmeath “
6) J. Cormick in ‘ Fermanagh and Louth “
7) ‘Cormicks Regiment’ in King James Irish Army List.
You can use this free index to search for your family name:
Remember to leave off the Mac or O when typing your name.
…….So end the notes from the Irish Hedge Row today.
You can see the entire series at
Advertisers and sponsors welcome.
The Worlds Leading audio source for Irish Genealogy
The Irish Roots Cafe has 7 Broadcast series & 300 shows
Contact me
You can reach the Irish Roots Cafe on Twitter; Facebook;; and by mail at our U.S. location:
The Irish Roots Cafe
Box 7575
Kansas City, Missouri 64116
Leave a message on our Phone (816) 256-3360
Contact us for speaking engagements,
exhibits, and educational events. Since 1984.
©2011 IGF, This information is intended
for personal non-commercial use only.
Sponsors Welcome.
About Your Host
Mike O’Laughlin
Mike descends from the O’Loughlins of Kilfenora,
County Clare, and the O’Donahues of Glenflesk,
County Kerry. He also bears Sullivan, Buckley,
Kilmartin, Llewellyn and Kelliher roots.
A one of a kind resource, he is the most published
author his field, including books; newsletters;CD’s
podcasts; and videos.
His books, publications, and podcasts are found at:
Learn More About the Irish Hedge School online at: