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Hints and tips: what every girl should know |
Upon this realization of getting older, I decided to reflect on what I have learned over these last 20 years of my life. And, I decided to keep it Irish. Here’s what I came up with.
Irish girls should have:
1. Appropriate undergarments - Every girl should own a black lace strapless bra, a white padded bra (to wear under a white t-shirt and a black and a white tank top).
2. Miscellaneous nightlife memorabilia - If you’ve any type of memorabilia after a night out - whether it be an advertising poster, a straw, a pepper shaker or a traffic cone it’s the sign of a good night on the town.
3. Photo disasters - A lost, misplaced, or broken digital camera at one point. If you’ve managed to keep yours you're a lucky girl.
4. Every girls should own some kind of Paul’s Boutique merchandise.
5. At one stage of your life been addicted to either “Home & Away”, “Fair City”, “Eastenders”, “Coronation Street” or “Emerdale”. All excellent Irish and UK TV soap operas.
6. A fake tan mit, or if not, a good sock as a back-up. If you don’t know don’t ask.
7. A bottle opener on your keychain
8. Every girl should have gone on a ‘date’ with a fella to the cinema.
9. A good friend that is so brutally honest that will make you change your outfit to make sure you look your best.
10. Paid a visit to Coppers - the best and worst nightclub in Dublin city center.
Irish girls should know:
1. Where the good looking fellas stand in your local.
2. Know what your last name is in Irish.
3.The quickest way to get to your best friend's house - whether it be through a field, a bog or a lane.
4. The real point of Facebook isn’t really about keeping in touch, it’s about stalking.
5. You need to wear sunscreen - it is your friend.
6. You don’t need to be ‘bananas drunk’ to have a good night out, just be yourself.
7. Mammy was right to put your Communion and Confirmation money in the bank.
8. That school and college years actually are the best time of your life.
9. How to enjoy your last year of “confined freedom”- freedom will not taste the same when you’re 21.
10. You have the world at your feet.