As the Twilight franchise juggernaut chugs along with its fourth installment, it may be a case of art imitating life as the characters played by Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart prepare to shoot their first love scenes.
Stewart told Access Hollywood that ‘Breaking Dawn” would see the two character move to the next stage of their relationship.
"It does actually literally get more physical," she said.
"It doesn't get more action-packed… [But] they definitely get more physical. Well, they get married.
'They're man and wife now. They have a kid and stuff too, so, I guess to get there that happens."
In his own mischievous way, RPatz confirmed that the characters would be getting it on.
'We totally have sex – finally!” said the heartthrob, who was more eager than usual to talk about his on-screen relationship with Stewart.
"I'm looking forward to the pillow-biting scene," he added. "I thought that was so funny. Of all the random things too do, really? He bites the pillow.
And the thing RPatz is most looking forward to about the whole thing?
"I can't wait to get all my body makeup on," he joked, "to be especially pasty looking."