Mark Wahlberg |
He said: "I'm an emotional guy. I went and saw 'The Help' with my wife and I must have cried 10 times.
"Watching 'Real Steel' with my sons got me. When the kid turned to his father and said, 'I just wanted you to fight for me' and the father's neglecting the kid, I looked at my son and said, 'Would daddy fight for you?' and he turned to me and said, 'Yes!' You know?"
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Mark - who is known for his wild past, including a prison term for assault - admitted he loves taking on film roles where he gets to "go off" because he identifies with aggressive characters.
He told Shortlist magazine: "I like playing a part where I get to go off whether it be physically or verbally. Preferably both.
"My past helps me identify with these characters and play those parts in a more believable way, but you can turn it on and off."