Casey Anthony in her first video
Yet another Casey Anthony video has emerged and it's certain to do nothing to change minds about the acquitted child killer.

Once again Anthony, 25, focuses on herself and her own future without ever mentioning her daughter Caylee, the trial that followed her daughter's death or even Anthony's parents throughout the two-minute footage.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, instead Casey talks about her life and how far she has come since her trial, the things she likes to do, how she looks and how much she loves her adopted dog. She also makes reference to how happy she now is, hinting that she believes she deserves it. There's no suggestion at any point that she may have lived through a mother's worst nightmare.

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Doctor believes ‘without a doubt’ that Caylee Anthony was murdered - VIDEO

Casey Anthony releases first YouTube video - no mention of daughter Caylee - VIDEO

Casey Anthony’s shamrock tattoo - a response to reader reaction

The video was reportedly made on 6 November, 2011 and Anthony can be heard saying on it: 'I'm starting to make some changes, some good changes for me, for myself. I'm starting to figure out the things that I like, that I want.'

When Anthony's first videos were released it quickly became apparent she was not living the chaste and lonely life that many had predicted for her after being acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter in July 2008. Instead it was discovered she was attending church, and in a new insight that enraged many, going out to bars and partying with a new boyfriend.

In the latest video Anthony refers to the new man in her life saying: 'I spent an amazing weekend with (the name is edited out). It's good to be back - it's good to be home, it's good to be with my Smooch.'

Anthony reportedly adopted a Yorkshire terrier to help her recover from the 'trauma' of the trial and the time spent behind bars. It seems to be working.

Anthony says says: 'I'm just really starting to feel good about a lot of things. It's about time. I'm really starting to like the way things are going and where they're are going. I'm just happy. I'm really happy.'

Meanwhile Anthony, who is serving a year of probation at an undisclosed location, has revealed that that her computer has been hacked. Anthony told her probation officer that the private videos she recorded to her computers hard drive were downloaded against her will and published to YouTube.

Anthony's attorney expressed his outrage to the press this week, explaining that the video was intended to be used for Anthony's counseling purposes only. The video is no longer available online.