Casey James Fury was having a bad day at work, and he simply didn't want to be there. So, he did what any mild-mannered employee would do in his position. He set fire to the submarine he was working on.
CNN reports that Fury's fire destroyed the USS Miami, a Navy nuclear sub, in May of 2012 while it was on the dry dock. For the arson, he was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison and ordered to pay $400 million, roughly the cost of the damages.
Naturally, the Navy won't see anything close to that amount from Fury, and unfortunately neither will they see it from the US government.
This Tuesday, the Navy announced that despite the demand for attack submarines being as strong as ever, the Miami is being decommissioned. This is because the Navy, under sequestration, does not have the funds to repair the vessel.
Rear Admiral Richard Breckenridge, the director of undersea warfare, said that, "the type of damage was unlike anything we'd seen in recent memory." The level of damage leaves, "the anticipated scope of work is four times greater than any previous submarine repair due to damage."
On May 23, Fury was working inside the Miami as a painter and sandblaster. Fury was apparently experiencing 'extreme anxiety' and set fire to a pile of rags near a vacuum cleaner. The blaze injured seven people, including three shipyard firefighters.
Fury also admitted to starting a second fire three weeks after the first incident, agin citing the reason as extreme anxiety and a desire to get out of work.
