Catch up with what the Irish have been reading about so far today.

Boston Irish pub refused to serve blacks says Attorney General

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has filed charges alleging that a Boston  Irish bar refused to allow or serve African Americans on its premises...Read more

Support for Martin Sheen as Irish president grows

Support for actor Martin Sheen to become the next Irish president has mushroomed on the Sheen for president Facebook page, reaching over 1,500 up from 300 on Monday...Read more

Bank of America announces it will pull out of Ireland

Bank of America has announced its intention to pull out of the Irish and UK credit card market. The decision will mean a 700 job loss in County Leitrim, one of Ireland's poorest counties, unless a new buyer is found...Read more

What presidents, poets and celebrities say about the Irish

The Irish are a nation, happily, much loved around the globe. With over 70 million of us it’s no wonder that we have touched the lives of so many...Read more

Irish Bishop claims that children from broken home are born losers and dysfunctional

Irish Bishop Christopher Jones has claimed that children from broken home are ‘born losers; and grow up to be ‘dysfunctional adults’...Read more