Here's the top Irish news stories on IrishCentral today:

CBS interview with Gerry Adams accuser sought by Northern Ireland police

Police in Northern Ireland want to seize interview material from CBS News in New York relating to claims that Gerry Adams was an IRA leader as calls are made for his accuser Old Bailey bomber Dolours Price to be arrested...READ MORE 


Top Irish roots story:

Top ten tips on Irish cultural etiquette - cultural differences to be aware of before you travel

First time travelers to Ireland may be apprehensive towards blending in with Irish culture, but fear not, as the Irish are very similar to Americans...READ MORE 


To celebrate Columbus Day - top ten similarities between the Italians and the Irish

Irish and Italians have many similarities.

And with Columbus Day here  we thought we’d tell you about the top ten similarities -- at least as we Irish see it...READ MORE 


Top Catholic Church story:

Irish Bishop accused of major cover-up over child sex abuse priest

A Catholic bishop has been accused of lying by the Irish Times over the case of a priest guilty of child sex abuse... READ MORE


 Irish men embracing their metrosexual and feminine side say experts

Irish men are more in touch with their feminine side than ever before, according to leading fashion experts.

The ‘prettifying’ of Irish men is a growing business, with males taking much more of an interest in their style and appearance in recent years...READ MORE 
