President of Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams, has called on those TDs in the Irish Government who value the country’s sovereignty to vote against the European / International Monetary fund bailout in Parliament next week.
Adams believes that there are other options for Ireland and that the bailout should be voted out.
“The statement yesterday from the IMF shows that this is not a done deal and it can still be opposed,” said Adams.
“Because of the threat of legal action from Sinn Féin's Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin this disastrous deal can still be turned down.
“There are other options available for Ireland such as burning the bondholders and putting in place a proper recovery program that stimulates the economy rather than contracting it.
“Sinn Féin has put forward sound proposals to grow the economy while paying off the debt in a longer timeframe.
“We first need to see this disastrous deal defeated in the Dáil next week and I would call on all TDs who value Irish sovereignty to vote against the deal.
“We then need a General Election which would allow all parties to put forward their respective positions.
“Then at least we would have a Government with a mandate from the people to proceed in the best interests of the people.”
