Protesters from the U.S., England, and Dublin gathered in Belfast on Saturday in an effort to save Lennox, the death-row dog owners say was mistaken for a pitbull. The animal is to be euthanized next week.
According to MSNBC World News, protesters organized by animal-saving group No Kill New York plan to target British and Irish consulates in New York on Monday to save the dog.
In 2010, the 7-year-old dog was seized as a breed banned under the UK's Dangerous Dog act, but the animals owners, the Barnes family, say he is not a "possible pitbull type" as dog wardens declared, but is in fact an American bulldog-Labrador cross. The owners say he is a well-behaved family pet and no complaints have been made against the dog.
Last month the Court of Appeal rejected a plea to spare Lennox, which is being held in a secret location.
The dog's plight is documented on the Save Lennox website and on a Facebook page, which has more than 75,000 fans.
Animal Planet network's Victoria Stilwell has consulted with the dog's family and with Belfast officials to allow the dog to be brought to a new home in the US.
“It is important to understand that every possible legal avenue to release Lennox back to the family has been exhausted, and that result is no longer an option,” Stillwell posted on her website. “Indeed, the latest news is that he is scheduled to be euthanized next week. My heart goes out to Craig, Caroline and Brooke [Barnes] for what they are enduring.”
She wrote that she has yet to hear back about her efforts.
In a statement posted on Facebook and the Save Lennox website, the Barnes family wrote, “the fight to spare Lennox’s life may well be over. It has been almost impossible for us to accept that we have to admit defeat.”
