It's halloween, a day invented in Ireland as the old Celtic period of encountering the undead.
But what about UFOs? ireland has its share of them too!
Recently UFO and Paranormal Research Ireland had their claims about Irish UFO hotspots backed by an incident involving a pilot coming within 300 feet of and nearly hitting an unidentified flying object.
Earlier this week Carl Nally, founder of UFO and Paranormal Research Ireland, said he had met several pilots who also had close encounters with unidentifed aircraft in the skies.
The Daily Mail has reported a story involving an Airbus encountering a blue and yellow small object as it flew over Baillieston. The plane was was nearing the Glasgow Airport and the UFO reportedly nearly hit the Airbus before flying under it.
The pilot informed the control tower, saying, “We just had something pass underneath us quite close. Have you got anything on in our area?” The radar showed nothing and the officials in the control tower responded with, “Negative. We’ve got nothing on radar and we’re not talking to any traffic either.”
Once on the ground, the pilot explained, “We seemed to only miss it by a couple of hundred feet it went directly beneath us - wherever we were when we called it in it was within about ten seconds; couldn't tell what direction it was going but it went right underneath us.'
He was then asked if he had thought the object to be a glider but responded, “'well maybe a microlight - it just looked too big for a balloon.”
The report about the incident says, “The controller stated that he was not talking to anyone else in that area and that nothing was seen on radar. Search action was taken with no result and the A320 pilot stated his intention to file an Airprox.”
The report goes on to state that, “Additionally, a further detailed review of individual radar sources did not yield any conclusive radar data that matched the A320 pilot's description of the encounter,” and added, “The Air Traffic Control unit's own radar replay also showed no surveillance traces in the immediate vicinity of the A320 at the time.”
The board also seems to have questions that remain unanswered.
“The board initially considered likely candidates for the untraced aircraft. The A320 crew had not been able to assimilate any information regarding the form of the untraced aircraft in the fleeting glimpse they had, reporting only a likely colour.”
“Members were of the opinion that, in the absence of a primary radar return, it was unlikely that the untraced aircraft was a fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft or man-carrying balloon.”
“It was considered that a meteorological balloon would be radar significant and unlikely to be released in the area of the Airprox.”
“A glider could not be discounted but it was felt unlikely that one would be operating in that area, both due to the constrained airspace and the lack of thermal activity due to the low temperature.”
“Similarly, The board considered that a hang-glider or para-motor would be radar significant and that conditions precluded them, as they did para-gliders or parascenders.”
“Members were unable to reach a conclusion as to a likely candidate for the conflicting aircraft and it was therefore felt that the Board had insufficient information to determine a cause or risk.”