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The family of Michaela Harte may have to wait for more than a year to see justice done as police in Mauritius warn that it will take longer than expected for the suspects to go to trial.

Michaela, 27, was murdered by hotel staff at the Legends resort in Mauritius on January 10, when she disturbed a burglary in her hotel room.

Originally detectives believed the high-profile case would have been prioritized, but a senior officer has said that it could take up to a year for the case to reach trial.

“The deadline for the trial won't be up to the police,” said Detective Inspector Ranjit Jokhoo.

“We are nearing the end of our investigation so it's now up to the forensics team to give their results and for the court to decide when the trial will take place.

“It could be in six months’ time, but it could also take a year,” he added.

The detective added that while the case is “unique,” there is still “procedure to follow.”

So far five suspects have been arrested and charged in connection with the Irish school teacher’s murder.

Avinash Treebhowoon, 29, and Sandip Mooneea, 41, have been charged with murder, while the other three suspects, Raj Theekoy, 33, Dassen Narayanen, 26, and Serenain Mungoo, 39, face charges of conspiracy.

READ MORE- Michaela Harte’s murderers confess their crimes and motives

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