A remarkable 89-year-old Irish woman is set to make history as she limbers up to take part in the 10km Dublin Women's Mini-Marathon, on June 2.
Maureen Armstrong, from County Tipperary, enjoys a remarkable lifestyle for a woman her age. This will be her 20th time taking part in the iconic Dublin event and she has also taken part in mini-marathons in her native county of Tipperary. Maureen told the Sunday Independent, "I'm very fit and healthy and I like to walk about three miles every day. I stroll up and down the road, saying my prayers as I go. I don't drink or smoke, and I take aloe vera every day. "With the recession, it's very important for people to get out and exercise. It's free and healthy and good for the body." This ‘Super Gran’ doesn't bother with diets, and eats whatever she wants. "I'm a light feeder and I am only eight-and-a-half stone [119lbs]. I like raising funds for the Irish Cancer Society. So many people have cancer, young and old, and it's great to be able to help them." Maureen also keeps in shape by dancing, and she and her daughter Martina trip the light fantastic every fortnight at the Tea Dance in Drombane Hall near Thurles. It is believed she will be the oldest participant in the Women's Mini-Marathon this year. Originally published in May 2014.
