Fianna Fail, the main Irish governing party, has fallen to record low levels in the latest opinion poll with only 18 percent support.
The poll, published in the Sunday Business Post, shows confidence in the government at an all time low after the publication of the expected final figures for the bank losses that the Irish taxpayer must make up.
That figure is now expected to be $65 million. Savage budget cuts are expected in the next few months.
Fine Gael is the party with the largest support at 32 percent, good news for leader Enda Kenny who has faced major leadership questions himself.
The Labor Party is at 27 percent while the Greens, the smaller part in government is at four percent. SinnFeinis at nine percent with independents at ten percent.
The combined government support total is just 22 percent of the electorate, and it appears they cannot stave of a general election much longer.
