Glucksman Ireland House celebrates the importance of the Irish language through the sean nos singing tradition on a regular basis, but they have invited two very fine exponents to appear together this Saturday, November 23, in a day long two-part presentation offered with the support of the Department of Gaeltacht Affairs of the Irish government.

Maire Ui Cheide from Connemara, Co. Galway has been a prominent Gaelgoier presenter, teacher and singer of Irish Gaelic for many years up in Boston and a winner of the much respected Corn Ui Riada, the top award doled out at the annual Oireachtas na Gaeilge.

Visiting from Ireland is Doimnic Mac Giolla Bhride from the Donegal Gaeltacht who won the Corn Ui Riada in 2009 for singing in Irish. He is also a musician who plays the uilleann pipes and piano accordion.
Having two top-class singers and knowledgeable people well versed with the importance of the sean nos singing tradition in reflecting on Irish lifestyle and history is a real bonus which Glucksman Ireland House is taking full advantage of.

Beginning at 1 p.m. will be a workshop in the singing tradition dealing with techniques and subject matter surrounding the heart of the tradition.  Later at 7 p.m. will be a concert with Ui Cheide and Mac Giolla Bhride introduced by the resident Gaelgoier Padraig O Cearuill, senior language lecturer at Glucksman Ireland House (

Places at the afternoon workshop are free but will be limited. Advanced registration required by calling 212-998-3950 or email to [email protected]. For the evening concert admission is free for members and NYU students and $10 donation for all others.

Coming up in a couple of weeks also at Glucksman Ireland House is the next installment of the Blarney Star Concert Series which marks the debut of a new trio launching their formidable new and self-titled CD, Open the Door for Three.

Given the long outstanding accomplishments of the three musicians in the mix, the sum of the parts makes for one very exciting CD and evening in store for those who come out to see Liz Knowles, Kieran O’Hare and Pat Broaders down at the Greenwich Village home for Irish traditional music nights produced by Don Meade.

Husband and wife O’Hare and Knowles have been making beautiful music independently and together all over the U.S. and around the world, most recently as the musical directors for the touring show Celtic Legends.

O’Hare, from Kansas City, plays the uilleann pipes, flute and whistles, while his bride Knowles, from Kentucky, is a stellar fiddler and composer. 

Broaders hails from Dublin and is a sensational vocalist and bouzouki player who still plays with bohola every now and then with piano accordionist Jimmy Keane.  The threesome became musical friends in Chicago which Broaders still calls home, while O’Hare and Knowles have relocated to Maine.

The concert on Friday, December 6 at 8 p.m. will be a rare appearance in New York for the group named after a popular jig.  It will be a very professional — and if past experiences with them are any prologue — and hilarious night of entertainment especially in the intimate space of Ireland House. Don’t miss this opportunity to see three great artists for the price of one and to get your hands on the new CD.

For more visit or And you can order the new recording at their website also.