Thirteen years ago Pope Francis was still known as Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires. In 2000, Bergoglio led a procession through the streets of the Argentinean capital carrying an ancient relic of St. Anthony of Padua. The popular Franciscan saint is known to help people find lost items such as lost jobs, lost homes, and lost hope.
Bergoglio’s devotion to the 13th century friar, who was a contemporary of St. Francis of Assisi, can be seen in this photo.
From December 7-15, the very relic which Pope Francis venerated 13 years ago in Argentina will be in New York. It is one of two of St Anthony’s relics which are touring the world to mark the 750th anniversary of the discovery of St Anthony’s incorrupt tongue.
The relics visited 17 venues in Ireland and the U.K. in late October and early November and drew crowds of 250,000. Padua-based Greyfriar Father Mario Conte will accompany the relics – a “floating” rib bone and layer of cheek – in New York.
St. Anthony died in 1231 and was canonized within a year. His remains are kept in the Basilica in Padua, Italy.
The relics will be at Most Precious Blood in Brooklyn on Saturday, December 7; St. Anthony of Padua in Manhattan on the 8th; St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan on the 9th and 10th; Our Lady of Pompeii in Manhattan on the 11th; Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens on the 12th; Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in Staten Island on the 12th; St. Lucy’s in the Bronx on the 13th; St. Catherine of Siena in Franklin Square, Long Island on the 14th; and Basilica of Regina Pacis in Brooklyn on the 15th.
For information call the Anthonian Association at 347-738-4306.
