Background: Originally from Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Moore is the chairman of the Irish Network of New York City (IN-NYC). He led the group’s Manhattan contingent last weekend at the Irish Day of Action in the Rockaways. He works with Wall Street firm BNY Mellon within its Broker Dealer Services (BDS) division.
Why/when did you come to the U.S.?
“I arrived in the fall of 2003 after accepting an academic and soccer scholarship to attend Felician College in New Jersey. It was an option I was not aware of while growing up in Ireland as I was playing for Shelbourne Football Club and planning to attend college in Dublin, but after reviewing the offer with my family it was a path I am delighted I took and highly recommend.”
How did you get involved with IN-NYC?
“I became aware of IN-NYC three years ago when invited to one of the monthly events by a work colleague. I realized very quickly I was among very similar, like-minded people and that IN-NYC serves an excellent purpose for its members. Within three years I transitioned from a member, to board member, to proudly being elected as chairman.”
Have you noticed an influx in Irish immigrants over the last few years?
“Yes, an ever-increasing number of Irish immigrants are arriving in New York and it is a wide spectrum of Irish too. It ranges from recent graduates to seasoned professionals looking for more opportunities. IN-NYC has recognized this and took action.
“For example, with our flagship Mentoring Program we have launched this year we are connecting young professionals with the already established New York Irish leaders within the city.”
What did the group do in the Rockaways for the Irish Day of Action on Saturday?
“I am very proud to have been a part of the Day of Action and was fortunate enough to have led an excellent contingent of Manhattan based volunteers into the hurricane hit Rockaways. As soon as we arrived we worked side-by-side removing debris from the streets to demolishing entire interiors of damaged homes, all in order for victims to restart their new homes and community.”
What kind of a response did the group get from those you helped?
“We helped an elderly lady, Mrs. Collins, on 67th Street and Rockaway Boulevard. Upon arriving Mrs. Collins was removing one trash bag at a time; 20 minutes later there were 30 volunteers clearing her trash and removing the damaged interior of her home. Mrs. Collins did get emotional towards the end of the job but was so grateful that we sped up the recovery to her new home!”
What was it like witnessing so many people of Irish descent come together on Saturday?
“It gave me a sense of pride to know that there is an Irish community here in New York and New Jersey that will make a tangible difference in times of need. To be out there on Irish Day of Action was an inspiring experience to say the least. Our volunteers ranged from young to old, to parents and their children, to friends of old and now new.
“The Irish stood up and were counted, 1,000 volunteers-strong. Long may it continue. Thank you to all that took part.”