Bill and Hillary Clinton are livid to hear that mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, whose sexting escapades have derailed his campaign, is comparing their troubles in the White House to his own, The New York Post has claimed.
'The Clintons are upset with the comparisons that the Weiners seem to be encouraging, that Huma Abedin (Weiner's wife) is 'standing by her man’ the way Hillary did with Bill, which is not what she in fact did,' said a top state Democrat.
According to the Post, Weiner and his campaign aides have frequently referenced the Clintons as they seek to convince skeptical Democrats that voters can still back Weiner despite his online sexual antics.
Did voters turn their back on President Clinton when his marital betrayals become public, they asked.
'The Clintons are upset that Weiner’s campaign is saying that Huma is just like Hillary,' said the source. 'How dare they compare Huma with Hillary? Hillary was the first lady. Hillary was a senator. She was secretary of state.'
Abedin's unqualified support for her husband after he admitted last Tuesday that he had engaged in online sexting months after he resigned in disgrace from Congress in 2011 left the Clintons stunned, a source told the Post. Abedin is a longtime Hilary Clinton aide and friend, which makes the comparisons particularly rancorous.
'Hillary didn’t know Huma would do this whole stand-by-your-man routine, and that’s one of the reasons the Clintons are distancing themselves from all this nonsense,' the source said.
'Our marriage, like many others, has had its ups and its downs,' Abedin told the press last week.
'Who didn’t think Huma was referring to the Clintons when she said that?' a Democratic source reportedly told the Post.
Although the impact of the Weiner saga on Hillary’s run for president in 2016 looks like it will be minimal, the Clintons have reportedly been aggressively distancing themselves from the mayoral contender.
The Post reports that one prominent Hillary Clinton backer is close to going public with a sharp criticism of Weiner, to send the message that the Clintons want him out of the mayor’s race.
On Sunday the former Clinton White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers said that she was sure the Clintons wanted Weiner out of the race.
