The magnificent 19th century Cork City Gaol is the splendid atmospheric setting for the 11th World Ghost Convention this month. The White WItch of the Isles, Helen Barrett will speak

The jail it has its own resident ghosts which have been seen by some members of the audience and speakers who will be present.

Shortly after opening to the public in 1993, a member of staff heard a child's voice repeating the word 'daddy'. Believing it to come from a lost child, the staff member investigated, only to come across a woman wearing green who walked through a wall.

The first Ghost Convention was established in 2001.

Reported sightings of ghosts and spirits are only the tip of the iceberg as many people are afraid, ashamed, and embarrassed to come forward for fear or not being taken seriously.

For this reason, the World Ghost Convention was established to help those who have had supernatural experiences by raising public awareness, highlighting the fact that they are not alone in having such experiences.

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This unique international Ghost Convention, which is the first of its kind in the world, provides an ideal opportunity for the many people fascinated with the supernatural to hear a colourful assortment of supernatural topics discussed by a panel of guest speakers from different backgrounds and professions.

In addition, those who have experienced supernatural occurrences have the chance to share their own personal supernatural experiences if they so wish as well as hear firsthand the accounts of others who echo similar experiences.

Some of the speakers this year are:
~ Dr Margaret Humphreys, from the Folklore & Ethnology Department, University College Cork
~ Elizabeth Hitchock, a energy therapist,  healer and spiritual counsellor
~ Christine O’Connell, a medium, Dr Eve Bruce, a medical doctor, shaman  and author
~ Helen Barrett, the White Witch of the Isles and author

Barrett will be giving a talk about fate, “the power that predetermines our life’s events.”

Barrett is known for her ability to predict the future.

“I predicted that Diana would die in a tunnel. I predicted that birds would smash into the Twin Towers. I predicted that JFK junior would die in Martha’s Vineyard,” she said in a telephone interview.

And just so she is not resting on past predictions, Barrett is happy to offer up a few for the future. First, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil will be discovered off the coast of Cork, making Ireland as wealthy as the oil-rich Norwegians. And second, there will be a European army and it will have a major base in Cobh, County Cork.

“I’ve always been right about these things because I think I slip back and forward into the future. And once while I was on Barrack Hill in Cork, I saw all these people coming down in blue hats.”

EU soldiers, that is.

For more information email: [email protected]

Read more:

Cork set to host 10th annual Ghost Convention