From walking for health to getting involved in Team Aisling, a group running and fundraising for the Yonkers New York Half Marathon, this group had changed her life.
Helene Cashin was never a runner before being asked to join Team Aisling, the Aisling Irish Community Center’s 200-person running group participating in this year’s Yonkers, New York Marathon. Helene was motivated by fellow team members to get into walking to improve her health and has been supported by a group of new and old friends and is now challenging herself to the Yonkers New York Half Marathon on October 21.
Helene grew up in County Femanagh and moved to Yonkers in 2002. She grew to love New York and the opportunities her children have here. The Aisling Center was a huge part of her finding the advice, support, and friendships everyone needs when moving to a new country.
She loved walking and found it to be a stress reliever but had to stop due to health reasons. Helene said her friends on Team Aisling have “inspired her to get healthy and be an inspiration for my children, I could also be able to support a center that is vital to any person arriving from Ireland, especially with no family.”
She was not a runner when she started walking in April, but now is getting set to take on this very big challenge and has made many new friends in this close group; Team Aisling. The group has been providing coaches and resources on training, running, physio and nutrition to create a close healthy group.
Aisling Irish Community Center provides resources and a community respite to the Bronx, Yonkers, Queens and the entire tristate area. Over the years, the role of the Center has evolved into a fully-fledged social services organization catering not only to the Irish and Irish-American population but also to the community at large. Aisling Center is one of the largest Irish immigrant resource centers in the tristate area and the main provider of services for communities of Yonkers and Woodlawn.
The center provides an Irish arts and culture program including classes in Irish language, music and dance; assistance with employment & accommodation; services for Senior Citizens; various classes for adults and children and free mental health programs and counseling. Our educational, cultural and welfare programs/services benefit over 900 people each week. The Irish Volunteers for the Homeless program is a weekly feeding program, delivering food to the homeless at numerous locations throughout New York City. Volunteers are welcome to join the group at any time. For more information; 914-237-5121,
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