Senior Notes

By Audrey Larkin; Interim Senior Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13

Cara Club

Several members at the Cara Club embraced the festival of Halloween and surprised the rest of the group by arriving in various disguises on Monday. Dick Mahoney, selected for ‘best costume’ disguised as an ‘clapometer’ method of voting. Many thanks to all participants who brought many laughs and cheer to everyone at Cara by dressing up.

We again had the pleasure of having Eileen Smith attend the group and engaging everyone in her very gentle exercise routine. Thanks again to Eileen. Volunteer Kevin O’Sullivan once again began the entertainment by telling some funny stories and started everyone off in a sing-along.

Café Eireann

Equally at Café Eireann, the seniors were too in Halloween spirits with their costumes, amongst them were witches, sheep and a hurler, along with other characters. We were delighted to congratulate Barbara Sullivan (Dorchester) who came in 3rd place in the Senior Art Exhibition held recently at The Commonwealth Museum. Barbara wowed everyone at Café Eireann when she brought in her winning painting of the Eire Pub in Adams Village; her attention to detail is superb.

We finished off the morning with folks decorating pumpkins – we think there was some cheating going on with folks asking our resident artist, Barbara, to decorate theirs!

Don’t Forget to Vote

Election Day is Tuesday November 4, 2014. Polling Hours: 7AM until 8PM

Are you familiar with the questions that will be on the ballot on November 4th?

Question 1: Eliminating Gas Tax Indexing

Question 2: Expanding the Beverage Container Deposit Law

Question 3: Expanding Prohibition on Gaming

Question 4: Earned Sick Time for Employees

Make an informed decision before casting your vote. All questions and arguments for and against are in the voters’ booklet. Information is also available on the state website

Many people take great pride and satisfaction in exercising their democratic right to vote and justly so. It was something that was fought long and hard for by many people down through the years and now everyone who is eligible can contribute to the democratic process. It is our civic right to vote.

Remember: Only U.S. Citizens who are registered to vote can do so.

Immigration News

By Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

One of my callers this week has been a legal permanent resident (LPR) for twenty years. The gentleman was 24 years of age when he became an LPR. After residing here for decades, he has now decided he wants to become a U.S. citizen. He has resided here full time, paid his taxes, and has no arrests issues. The only issue that came up for him is the fact that he appears to have failed to register with the Selective Service.

Selective Service Registration is the U.S. government’s way of keeping a database of young men who may be called on in case of draft or national emergency. People are required to register with Selective Service if you are between the age of 18 and 26. Young men convicted of failure to register may be fined up to $250,000, imprisoned for up to five years, or both. In addition to being subject to prosecution, failure to register may cause you to permanently forfeit eligibility for certain benefits. Not registering with selective service is also a felony.

It can affect your eligibility to become a U.S. citizen. A naturalization applicant who was required to register with the Selective Service and who knowingly or willfully failed to register cannot be considered a person of good moral character for naturalization purposes. Most persons of draft age are told of the need to register at the time of their adjustment of status to permanent residence or at consular interviews overseas.

Selective Service and the U.S. Citizenship application form

The application for U.S. citizenship is Form N-400. The form deals with Selective Service Registration in Section G. If the applicant has registered, he must include his selective service number and the date he was registered.

A naturalization applicant who was required to register with the Selective Service and who knowingly or willfully failed to register cannot be considered a person of good moral character for naturalization purposes. Most persons of draft age are told of the need to register at the time of their adjustment of status to permanent residence. If the resident has not yet turned 26 years of age, the Selective Service will generally accept a late registration. Once the immigrant has turned 26, however, he cannot register. In that case, the burden is on him to demonstrate that he did not knowingly and willfully fail to register, i.e., that he was unaware of the registration requirement. In practice, the naturalization applicant will find it difficult to establish that he did not knowingly or willfully fail to register with the Selective Service. In this case above, since he has accrued five years of good moral character he is then eligible to file.

Visa Lottery reminder

We want to remind eligible people that the U.S. Diversity Visa lottery ended Monday, Nov. 3, 2014, at 12:00. People who were here undocumented were not eligible, but people lawfully present as tourists, J1 trainees, or H1B workers were eligible to submit an application. We want to also remind readers to be aware of scams where people are notified they are winners and asked for funds before selection is complete.

The important thing for people to remember is if you are selected, get legal advice before proceeding. People in Massachusetts can attend our free legal clinics.

Marriage “green card” cases

We continue to provide help to Irish immigrants who are filing for legal status after marriage to US citizens. This is not an application that should be filed without attorney review at one of our upcoming clinics.

November Free Legal Clinic

On the first Tuesday of every month, we hold a free legal clinic at The Banshee in Dorchester beginning at 6:30PM. Our next clinic will be on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

Rest in Peace

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Mayor Tom Menino. I had the privilege of running into Mayor Menino two weeks ago in an elevator. I paid him some compliments and with his self deprecating humor, such a great and honorable man appeared so humbled by my words. We at the IPC will surely miss this man who devoted so much of his life to the Emigrants of this city.”

- Megan Carroll, Executive Director of the IPC

Pastoral News

By Sr. Marguerite Kelly; Pastoral Associate

[email protected]

617-265-5300 Ext. 10

Claimed by Christ

The white cloth draped over a casket at a funeral is meant to call to mind our baptism. At our death, just as at our baptism, a white garment symbolizes our new life in Christ. It is astonishing and beautiful to make this connection at a time of sorrow. Even while we mourn, we remember the full circle of life and strike a chord of confidence and hope.

All Souls’ Day is another occasion to make this connection. In some part of ourselves we forever mourn the loss of a loved one, and All Souls’ Day is an opportunity to bring that loss to the fore. But it is also an expression of our hope and confidence that our loved ones, in death, somehow remain with us. All of us, living and dead, are claimed by Christ. We are part of a community of believers, a community that encompasses all those who have followed Christ, past and present. Through birth, life, death, rebirth, and new life, we belong to one another. We belong to Christ.

Lord Jesus, grasp hold of us all!

Living with Christ Karla Manternach