Immigration News

By Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

The P categories

This week I had a call from an acclaimed dancing school in the U.S. and it prompted me to write on the P visa category. Because of space limitations, we can only provide a brief summary but readers can email us for more information. The P-1, P-2 and P-3, are reserved for immigrants coming to the U.S. to perform in athletics or entertainment, and who fail to meet the extraordinary ability standard required for classification in the O category.

P-1 Visas


For an athletic team to petition for a foreign athlete, the team must have achieved international recognition in the sport. An athlete who will come to the U.S. to compete in individual events rather than as a team must show that he or she is internationally recognized. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has defined “international recognition” as a “having a high level of achievement in a field evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition substantially above that ordinarily encountered, to the extent that such achievement is renowned, leading, or well-known in more than one country.” The event the athlete is coming to the U.S. to participate in must have a distinguished reputation and must require the participation of athletes and teams of international recognition.


For an entertainer to obtain a P-1 visa, they must be part of an entertainment group. Individuals cannot usually obtain a P-1 visa – the only exception is for people who are coming to the U.S. to join a foreign entertainment group. The group must be internationally recognized as outstanding in the area, and have a sustained period of achievement.

P-2 Visas

The P-2 nonimmigrant category is reserved for those who are coming to the U.S. through an exchange program in which U.S. based and a foreign-based organizations exchange artists and entertainers. The visas are available to both individuals and groups. There are few requirements for these exchange programs, so long as the people involved are of equal caliber, will be employed in similar conditions and for similar periods of time, and there are similar numbers of people being exchanged.

P-3 Visas

P-3 visas are granted to artists and entertainers who come to the U.S. to participate in a “program that is culturally unique.” The statute does not make clear whether the performance that will be given must be culturally unique, or whether the performance must also be given in a setting that is culturally unique.

Deferred Action update

I have received word from the USCIS that the applications for parents of U.S. citizen and legal permanent resident children will now not be available until May. Anyone seeking more information on how to apply for deferred action, the immigration relief announced by President Obama last November can email me or call our office. I do have instructions we can email individuals so you can prepare the necessary documents for your application.

Deferred Action for undocumented parents

If readers know of any undocumented persons with U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident children present in the U.S. since January 1, 2010, please have them get in touch with us for more information on eligibility for deferred action. Information is also available on our site: We expect further details on the application process for deferred action in the weeks ahead. Meantime people with queries can email or call us.

Deferred Action and Immigration Clinic March 3, 2015.

Our next clinic will be on March 3 at The Banshee, 934 Dorchester Ave. beginning at 6:30 PM. We will have handouts with information on deferred action and attorneys will see people one to one for private confidential consultations.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

Senior Moments

By Phil O’Sullivan ; Senior Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13

There has been very little activity in the Irish Pastoral Centre over the last two weeks due to the inclement weather which has hit the Boston area. As the snow continues to fall and with temperatures dropping, it is essential to remain warm and be prepared for the bad weather. It is also important to keep footpaths clear as many people are being forced to walk on the roads which can be rather dangerous considering the poor visibility and slippery road conditions. Please remember to check in with elderly neighbors or any vulnerable individuals that may be at risk during the cold winter months. If removing snow please ensure to wrap up well and protect yourself from the elements at all times.

A recent study has shown that heavy snowfall combined with cold weather and low pressure is associated with a risk in heart attacks. Some of the city’s top doctors have advised not to shovel if you are over 55 years of age. If you are shoveling heavy snow watch out for symptoms of heart difficulties, unexpected chest tightness, shortness of breath, and pain or burning in the chest, jaw or shoulder. Do not assume that a strange muscular pain is due to exertion as it could be something more serious as doctors will tell you symptoms of a heart attack include pain referred to other parts of the body. If you must shovel then please be aware of the possible health implications, dress warm and take breaks when necessary. Don’t be afraid to ask young neighbors for a hand when shoveling and keep hydrated when clearing snow.

Pastoral News

By Sr. Marguerite Kelly; Pastoral Associate

[email protected]

617-265-5300 Ext. 10

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Job, in our first reading, has had a hard time of it. He is downer and outer than anybody else in Scriptures. He is experiencing the crucible of fidelity. The Devil kind of makes a bet with God that if Job is squeezed enough he will cry out in some way of disbelief. The devil says that Job is a man of faith, because he has everything in hand and within his control.

What we hear is a most natural response to the questions which suffering can create. Job asks the usual questions about the meaning of life. We hear two such questions and then his distressful musings about the meaning of his personal life and that of all humankind.

Job has been laid low by the hand of God. His family, his possessions, and even his own physical well being have been removed. He is struggling to stay faithful. He is a most conventional or usual human being. These lines are his answers which are being wrenched from his mouth by the twisting of his body and soul He has lost everything except some trust in the value of life but very little at that. His “ouch” we all know in our own lives.

Creighton U. Daily Reflections Angela Maynard

Rest in Peace

The Irish Pastoral Centre staff would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Joe Commane who passed away recently. Joe a Co. Clare man and a great musician came to Boston in 1949 and spent the last 66 years as a strong member of the Boston Irish Community. A long time friend and supporter of the IPC for the past 27 years, we would like to extend our condolences to Eleanor, Joe’s wife, his four daughters and his extended family. You will be remembered in our prayers at this sad time.

Ar dheis de go raibh a anam dheilis.

Fr. John McCarthy; Chaplain