Senior moments from the IPC

The Cara Club met last Monday afternoon in Brighton where seniors took place a fun filled brown bag auction, which was run by Mary Logue. Seniors met on Wednesday morning at the Irish Pastoral Centre for the last Café Eireann before we break for the month of August, and enjoyed some bingo with Eileen Collins calling the numbers. Thank you Mary and Eileen for lending your talents to our programs.

We would also like to extend a huge thank you to all of our fantastic volunteers who work tirelessly to help keep our programs running smoothly. We hope that you all enjoy the rest of the summer with your families and we look forward to seeing you all again when our programs recommence in September.

Immigration News

By Kieran C. O’Sullivan, Immigration Counselor

Email Kieran at: [email protected]

J1 trainee visas

When people hear of the J visas, they tend to think of the summer J1 visitors and those medical trainees who enter the US to train at US medical facilities. There are different kinds of J visa trainee programs. These visas are issued to allow people to enter the US periods up to 18 months to work in the US and gain experience in your field of work. An alien’s spouse or children may enter on a J2. A person on a J2 may obtain permission to work from US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) but only for their own support and not for the support of the J1 recipient. Compared to many of the other visas, the J visa for practical training can be a relatively “easy” visa to obtain. The employer does not have to prove you are not displacing a US worker. Usually people can navigate the process on their own. However, it can be a challenge finding US employers willing to prepare a training plan for trainees. There is a one year J visa which came about as a result of an agreement between the US and Ireland. This one year J graduate program gives students, undergraduate, post graduate and recent graduates the opportunity to work in a job in the US related to their studies. A feature I like about this particular program is it allows people to get the visa and then do the job search after entering the USA. It can be very difficult for people to do such a job search from overseas. There are some costs involved and consular officials at the US Embassy have the final say on applications.

Non immigrant intent

It is important for people to realize the J is a “non-immigrant” visa. This means that it is temporary in nature, and requires you to prove to the USCIS that you do not have the intention to remain in the US forever. In order to be eligible for a J visa, one of the issues you will have to demonstrate to USCIS is that you have non-immigrant intent. This means that you have to show some evidence to USCIS that you intend returning to your home country at the end of the J visa. If Consular officials determine you lack ties to Ireland and might work without authorization in the US or overstay the term of the visa, the visa application will be denied. Any previous overstay in the US will likely render you ineligible for the visa

August Clinic

We will have a clinic at The Banshee at 6.30 pm, 934 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, on Tuesday August 5th. Attorneys will be present to answer questions on visas, legal residency cards and US citizenship.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

Am I Doing Enough?

By Sr. Marguerite Kelly, Pastoral Associate

Email: [email protected]

When confronted with the Gospel, I often wonder if I am doing enough.

It’s not a matter of scrupulosity or of believing that my salvation depends on my own efforts. Rather, I listen to the call of Jesus and I look, quite honestly, at the comfort in which I live, and it seems to me that being a disciple requires more than I am giving. Surely, I think, I must go off and do something else – something grand. Yes, the call of Jesus is to also dig deeper and open ourselves to greater, more sacrificial love. And sometimes we are called to leave where we are to do that. But other times, there is no need for us to go away, no need to do anything but look where we are now, hand what we find over to Jesus, and let him work with what we have, where we are right now.

Jesus, take what I have and bless it so others will be fed.

Living with Christ

Amy Welborn