Senior Moments

by Audrey Larkin – Interim Senior Program Coordinator

Email Audrey at: [email protected]

Tel: 617.265.5300 X 13

Remember to stay hydrated during the hot weather and drink plenty of fluids. Stay in the shade where possible and if the weather is really hot – limit your activities during the hottest time of the day. Wear sun screen! Irish people and descendants of have fair skin which we need to take care of – so don’t be afraid to lather on the sunscreen to protect yourself from those delightful yet harmful rays of sun!

A song a number of years ago called ‘Class of ’89 wear sunscreen ‘The song begins by warning us of the dangers of not wearing sun screen and delves into the things that may be affect if you don’t heed this warning – it’s quite catchy and worth listening to, so go ahead and tune into YouTube, if you are a computer phobe or a tech phobe, it’s Ok many of us are and ask someone who loves to show off their computer skills to bring up the song and listen to it.

I’m sure we will see some of you out and about or at the Ice-cream social on Monday 18th at the Cara Club or at Café Eireann on Wednesday 20th.

Immigration and U.S. Citizenship News

by Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor

[email protected]

Affidavits of Support

An affidavit of support is a guarantee to the U.S. Government that a green card applicant will not become a “public charge” in the U.S. The person offering the affidavit has to demonstrate his or her financial health in a number of ways including a job letter, tax returns, and bank statements. If they don’t have enough income and/or assets to qualify, it is possible for sponsors to have a friend or relative cosponsor.

One recent caller asked me if it was a good idea for her elderly mother to get health insurance. She was filing an affidavit of support for her mother’s application for legal permanent residency status. She was encouraged to look at medical insurance coverage for her parent. She was reminded that a health care facility could pursue her for funds if her parent was hospitalized here and had inadequate or no medical insurance. The USCIS Form I-864 affidavit of support is a legally binding agreement. If readers have further questions on the process, email us or attend our next immigration clinic for a free consultation with an attorney.

Detentions and marriage immigration cases

Because of a number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) detentions in recent months, we remind couples who are thinking of filing for legal permanent residency based on marriage to a U.S. citizen not to delay filing for status. Being married to a U.S. citizen in it does not confer any status on an immigrant or any protection from removal from the USA by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Couples who have filed paperwork having had their applications reviewed at our recent monthly clinics have already received notices to go for interviews. Applicants for legal status based on marriage to U.S. citizens are now getting called for interviews within six months of filing for adjustment of status.

Detentions and U.S. Citizenship

Even legal permanent residents today can be detained and removed from the U.S. for certain offenses. This is one of many reasons we encourage eligible legal residents to become U.S. citizens. We will be reviewing U.S. citizenship applications and eligibility issues at our September legal clinic. Any applicant with any past conviction no matter how minor and even if the case was dismissed is advised to bring a copy of the certified docket sheet on the arrest with them for review. Attorneys can review cases before you file for citizenship.

Legal Clinic Update

Thank you to everyone who attended our latest legal clinic on Tuesday August 5th. Everyone who attends our free immigration clinics gets to have a free consultation with leading immigration attorneys. Our next clinic will be at 6:30 pm on September 2nd, at The Banshee, Dorchester. Like us on Facebook for updates on our legal clinics and other available services

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.


by Sr. Marguerite Kelly, Pastoral Associate

Email me at: [email protected]

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus meets us in the chaos and calls us to the calm.

The disciples in today’s Gospel may have been able to identify with the troubling effects of captivity. They are soaked through to the bone, waves threatening to break their boat apart, in a dangerous section of the sea believed by first century fishermen to house sea monsters. Just for added effect, it also happens to be the darkest hour of night. Then, as their fear reaches its apex, a figure is seen walking on the water toward them. The shriek leaps from their throats, “It is a ghost!” We can think of few scenes as chaotic as this one.

We all experience chaos in our lives, sometimes multiple times in a single day. Consider when you have felt like you were being tossed about… like everything and (perhaps everybody) was against you… it is in these times that we best follow in St. Peter’s watery footprints outside the boat and, if necessary, cry out, “Lord, save me!”

The grace that perpetually makes itself real in our lives is this: Jesus is always appearing to us in the chaos and offering calm, whether we see him there or not. May we always hear these words piercing through it all: “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.

Kyle Lierk Creighton University’s Online Ministries

Pre-Cana Course

The Irish Pastoral Centre will have a Pre-Cana program on Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 9am to 5pm. The program will be held here at the Pastoral Centre. Please call Sr. Marguerite Kelly in order to get the necessary registration papers.

Other Notes

Did you know?

Caregivers, Home Health Aides and Companions can be accessed by contacting the Irish Pastoral Centre – this is a service that the IPC has been offering for the past 25 years. If you need someone or know of anyone who is looking for that ‘Irish Connection’ please reach out to Kathleen. The IPC also carries housing listings, if you have an apartment that needs renting; consider the IPC as a ‘bulletin board’ to advertise. We’re here for you.

Contact Kathleen for more information and/or assistance 617.265.5300 X 11

Photos from some of the senior gatherings throughout the year