Senior Moments

By Audrey Larkin; Interim Senior Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13

Getting you and your house ready for winter

Now that the dark evenings are starting to creep in earlier, it’s time to accept that summer is just about over and unless we get an Indian summer this year, we should say goodbye to all our seasonal clothes and sandals. However, don’t feel too down about the onset of winter. There are, after all, some wonderful celebrations during winter to look forward to, not to mention all the delicious stews, soups, pies etc we will undoubtedly devour.

Get out your sweaters, scarves and boots etc. have them readily accessible for when needed. Stock up on canned foods for have for use on those days when the weather is too bad to go to the store for supplies.

As the leaves start to fall from the trees, please remember that when these get wet they become very slippery and as a result can be a danger to walk on, try to keep your walkways clear of leaves. If you decide to rake the leaves yourself, do it at a slow pace and take frequent breaks. Bend at the knees, not the back. Better still, ask someone to do it for you!

Winterize your home: Did you know that drafts can waste 5% to 30% of your energy use? Minimize all drafts in your house, one easy way of doing this is by placing a rolled up bath towel under a drafty door. Some electric companies offer free energy saving assessments so check with your local electric company for details. Check that your furnace is working before the coldest weather arrives, by having it inspected by a licensed professional. If possible remove air conditioners from the windows. If they cannot be removed, have them covered.

Cara Club & Café Eireann

And the All Ireland Senior Football Champions are…Kerry! Much to the delight of one of our steadfast volunteers Kevin O’Sullivan, who took great pleasure in sharing some highlights of the match against a very disappointed Donegal team. Kevin, also kindly shared on DVD some highlights of Mayor Marty Walsh’s press conference on his arrival in Ireland, where Walsh was warmly welcomed and it turned out to be a very successful trip.

At Cara Club, Eileen Smith kept everyone active with gentle movements and stretches during her light exercise class. Eileen’s positive and lighthearted attitude was enjoyed by everyone; we are looking forward to having her back again.

At Café Eireann, a large group of seniors enjoyed freshly baked breads and tea & coffee. The group then enjoyed Bingo led by Eileen Collins, some folks winning donated prizes and some people having extra luck on the day winning multiple times.

We would also like to congratulate Emer and Liam Mezetti on the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.

The Musical Memories Program will take place at the IPC in Dorchester at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, September 30 and will resume again on Tuesday September 28.

Be sure to sign up for the next monthly Mass on Thursday October 16th, by calling the RSVP line with you reservation 855-479-2472. Please call by the Friday prior to the event.


Immigration News

By Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

Diversity Visa Program News

Each year the Department of State holds an annual diversity visa (“DV”) lottery for immigration to the United States. This program is often called the “Green Card” or” DV Lottery” or the “Visa Lottery” Program. Under this program, up to 55,000 immigrants can enter the United States each year from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. In recent years, Irish natives only accounted for a small number of DV winners.

Online Scams

Each year, hundreds of immigrants are scammed using online websites and paying fees for what they are led to believe are genuine visa application sites. We want to remind readers that the only official way to apply for the DV lottery is directly through the official U.S. Department of State website during the specified and limited-time registration period. The online registration for this year’s DV lottery is not currently open, but is expected to open during the month of October, 2014. We will publish more information on the program in the weeks ahead as it becomes available.

Misleading Websites

Some websites and emails try to mislead customers and members of the public into thinking they are official U.S. government websites. These sites are often quite cleverly done and are designed to appear real and official. Many will have images of the U.S. flag, U.S. Capitol, White House, or the Statue of Liberty. These websites and emails do not have the “.gov” suffix on their addresses. Readers are reminded that they should remember that anything that does not end with “.gov” should be considered suspect.

Undocumented Are Not Eligible

I have checked with immigration attorneys on this and presently, those who are here undocumented are not eligible for the DV 2016 program. Because of changes in immigration legislation, those who have remained undocumented in the United States for a period of 180 days or more will not be eligible for a visa. Successful DV applicants who are not in lawful status will have to return to their home country to interview for the green card. If an applicant has been undocumented in the U.S. for 180 days, she/he faces a 3-year bar from returning to the U.S. If an applicant has been undocumented in the U.S. for one year or more, she/he faces a 10-year bar from reentering the U.S. Since a successful DV applicant has to take up residency in the U.S. upon receiving a green card, this means - unless the laws change - those who face the bars have little chance of legalizing their status. Unfortunately now there are no positive indications that we are going to see any changes to immigration legislation in the near future.

October Legal Clinic

On the first Tuesday of every month, we hold a free legal clinic at The Banshee Restaurant in Dorchester beginning at 6:30 PM. Our next clinic will be on Tuesday Oct. 7th, 2014. Anyone with questions on the DV program or any other visa options are invited to attend.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

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