The bomb which exploded in Derry City on Tuesday morning contained 200lbs of explosives. Dissident republicans are thought to be responsible.
A taxi driver was held up at gunpoint and the bomb was placed in his car. He was ordered to take the car to the Strand Road police station. The explosion took place shortly after the car arrived on the scene.
Though no one was killed businesses nearby, including a nursing home, were damaged. The bomb exploded just as the police were attempting to clear the area.
Assistant Chief Constable Drew Harris said that it was only a matter of time before these bomb attacks claimed another victim. He said that members of the public narrowly escaped injury on Tuesday morning.
“Again we have been very lucky that there hasn’t been casualties or fatalities in this type of reckless attack, and these are reckless attacks, the warning times are insufficient to ensure safe clearance and we have to be very concerned that it’s only a matter of time before people are very seriously injured or even indeed killed in these types of murderous attacks,” said Harris.
Martin McGuinness, Deputy First Minister and Derry representative said that the bombers were out of sync with the rest of the country. He said “This is a futile and cynical attempt to try to take us back to conflict and division. We will not allow them to do so…The people clearly support the institutions and we will remain united in our resolve to work together for the greater good.
“Derry is looking to the future and playing a full part in building an inclusive peaceful society in which progress will be made through dialogue and agreement.
“This attack offers nothing and it will not break the spirit of the community of Derry or elsewhere.”
There was a call for resolute action from Gregory Campbell, a DUP MP. He said “It is essential that not only words of condemnation follow these attacks but action flows from them as well.
“Describing the perpetrators as 'evil' or 'traitors' is accurate as far as it goes but what is required to prevent re-occurrence is information, evidence, prosecution, conviction in a court followed by lengthy prison sentences.
Assistant Chief Constable Harris said that this year, so far, there have been 30 attacks and 14 arrests made, resulting in 38 charges. This is compared to 19 charges last year.
