The Titanic Experience, in Cobh, County Cork, is planning to expand their story room and is in the process of seeking out anyone with a connection the Titanic and Heartbreak Pier.

The 123 Queenstown (Cobh) passengers who joined Titanic on her fateful voyage left from the White Star Line building in Casement Square in Cobh. This building is now home to the Titanic Experience, a museum which opened in February 2012, dedicated to sharing the stories of Titanic’s Queenstown passengers.

In addition to the 123 passengers who boarded Titanic, over one million more took their final steps in Ireland on Heartbreak Pier at the back of the White Star Line building.

Specifically, the historians at the Titanic Experience are interested in hearing from any relatives and family friends of emigrants who boarded a White Star Liner from Cobh and set sail for America.

Who were they, how old were they, what became of them? What did it mean to the family to have a son, daughter, brother or sister emigrate to America? If you have a family photo you would like to share send it along.

The museum is also trying to get a feel for how the town of Cobh operated during the time of mass emigration. How did the locals benefit from passing trade? What families owned and operated the local guesthouses and provision stores and did they pass on any memorable stories? What was the last thing an emigrant might purchase before they set sail? Were emigrants treated well in the town?

The museum hopes to gather all these stories and preserve and share them with future generations.

Already they have had relatives of passengers come through Titanic Experience and share some anecdotes with us over the past few years.

Now they want these family members to get back in touch with and share their unique family history in our story room.

If you are a relative of Margaret Rice, Mary Canavan, Nora Fleming, Patrick Colbert or any of the Queenstown passengers, please contact the Titanic Experience.

You can share your story via their email at [email protected] or write to them at Titanic Experience Cobh, White Star Line Building, Casement Square, Cobh, Co. Cork. Alternatively if you’re in the area pop into the Titanic Experience Visitor Centre.

Read more: 100 years today: Why do we care about the Titanic more than the Lusitania?