Now that she has safely secured a place in the next round and gotten over a bad dose of laryngitis, Ireland's own Mary Byrne is to step out for a date with fellow "X-Factor" competitor Wagner Carrilho.
Byrne, a supermarket worker from Co. Dublin, has wowed the judges (including Simon Cowell) so far in the competition.
According to sources Byrne, 50, and the Latino smoocher have been cozying up together in the "X Factor" house for the past few days.
Carrilho, 54, has now reportedly asked Byrne out on an official date so they could possibly start a relationship.
The pair are both in judge Louis Walsh's over 28's house.
An X Factor source has told the Mirror: "Wagner has always been a bit of a ladies' man, but he is single at the moment and looking for love.
"He and Mary have been getting on very well and have started flirting this week more and more, so he decided to ask her out.
"Mary's first reaction was to laugh but she was very flattered.
"They don't really have time to go on a proper date at the moment because of rehearsals and media commitments.
"But Wagner isn't taking no for an answer and some members of production have been calling them the new Renee and Renato. He was really thoughtful last week when her throat was bad too and helped nurse her to a full recovery."
Mary has not been very luck in love in the past and her fans would love to see her hook up with the latino stud.
A friend of Mary's told the Mirror: "It would be great if she and Wagner could start a romance because she deserves all the happiness she gets. She loves life and Wagner looks like he would be a lot of fun on a date."
