Oireachtas season is well underway. The time when hours of practice gets put to the test in mere minutes. The stakes are high and the energy is soaring.

As Irish dancers, we all strive for success. But the definition of success differs between individuals. With every Oireachtas, however, there are two main goals all competitors try to clinch: A recall…and a qualification to compete overseas at the World Irish Dancing Championships.

But what’s the difference between an Oireachtas Recall and a World Qualification? We had our Feis America fans come up with this fabulous list…

The difference between an Oirechtas Recall and a World Qualification is…

… "perfect practice"—Carissa M.

… "technique and confidence"—Kellyanne F.

… "a bigger trip :)"—Angie D.

… "the answer to how big a box of Kleenex you need during results"—Monica J.

… "a scream…and a super sonic scream"—Angela K.

… "whether or not you need a passport"—Rachel F.

… "a lot of heart and very few points"—Tara L.

… "a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck!"—IrishDanceLife

What do you think is the difference between the two? Keep the thread going in the comments below.

The importance of smiling in Irish dance

Foot care tips and tricks keep Irish dancers on their toes

Organize and display your Irish dance medals in a scrapbook

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