“Ardnaglass On The Air,” the comedy farce by Jimmy Kerr and directed by critically acclaimed writer and actress Geraldine Hughes, will be presented as a fundraiser by the New York Irish Center in association with Hamm & Clov Stage Company.
This original work was been developed by Hamm & Clov and performed at Teatro IATI in NYC in 2005 went on to be the official selection of the “Big Tickle Magners Comedy Festival” at The Derry Playhouse, Northern Ireland in 2007. It then enjoyed a regional tour of Northern Ireland.
This production is directed by critically acclaimed West Belfast born actress and writer Geraldine Hughes.
Jimmy Kerr, playwright and actor, from County Antrim and Jo Kinsella of County Kilkenny, who reprise their roles in this production, will be joined by New York native Jonathan Judge-Russo.
The show’s plot features a live broadcast from Ireland’s premier, community, rural radio station in Mickey Madden’s mother’s garage. We’re introduced to lovelorn pig farmer Hugh Francis O’Connell, feisty barmaid Margaret Mary-Rose O’Boyle and wandering BBC intern Fabian Martinez as they go “On Air” together for the very first time.
“Ardnaglass on the Air” runs Friday, November 13 through Sunday, November 15.
For tickets or more information, call the New York Irish Center at (718) 482-0909, or visit www.nyirish.org.