Paris Hilton is heading for the World Soccer Cup, where she has been linked with Cristiano Ronaldo of top contenders Portugal.
She may find her self in a battle with Kim Kardashian for Ronaldo's attention however. She too has been rumored to have had a fling with the superstar
Hilton says she will stay in South Africa for the full month, promoting her brand --and no doubt seekeing out soccer's hottest star.
Rumors abound that Hilton and Ronaldo have stayed in touch since a summer fling last year
Hilton's confirms she's definitely unattached.
"One hundred percent single and I'm really enjoying it. I've never been single in my life and I've never been happier," said Hilton.
"I got some bad people out of my life, people who were using me and had bad intentions. There are so many opportunists out there. I cut those people out," she said.
