An adaptation of the Irish crime drama ‘Love/Hate’ is currently being developed in the United States. Dennis Lehane, an accomplished American writer whose parents emigrated from Ireland, is set to rewrite ‘Love/Hate’ for Showtime. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the remake will be set in a non-tourist, drug infested area in Hawaii rather than the original location of Dublin.
‘Love/Hate’ has now been a hit in Ireland for a few years as viewers enjoy a peek into the gritty complexities of the crime world. The original itself has gained popularity outside of Ireland. Countries from Australia to Brazil have picked up ‘Love/Hate’ while the top three streaming television companies, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, have also all bought the show. The sixth season of ‘Love/Hate’ is currently in development and will air in 2016 on RTE.
As for the remake, Dennis Lehane is the perfect man for the job. Three of his novels, Shutter Island, Mystic River and Gone Baby, Gone, have been adapted into screenplays and attracted directors like Martin Scorsese, Clint Eastwood and Ben Affleck. In addition to that, Lehane has written for HBO hits ‘Boardwalk Empire’ and ‘The Wire,’’ while also writing the screenplay for “The Drop’ which premiered in 2014.