Irish American Comedian and edgy reality star, Kathy Griffin, spent Tuesday in Washington doing the lobby thing.
Griffin, who joked all day that she was a staunch lobbyist, walked around the Capitol (in her Louboutin shoes) to request that politicians revoke the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
You go Kathy. She did this for her gay friends (and for some funny footage for her reality series, "My Life on the D List.")
"I was nervous the whole time because it's not my world, obviously," Griffin told reporters.
"Also, I have a problem with the potty mouth, so I didn't know how far I could go when joking with these legislators -- and I learned not far at all. Almost every one of my jokes was taken as a serious statement, even when I asked the majority whip to whip me."
Yes, Kathy actually met with House Majority Whip, James Clyburn, and really asked him to whip her!! But are we surprised?
Kathy is an icon in the gay world and she gives tirelessly to their causes.
Kathy spent the best part of a week in Washington attending strategy sessions with gay rights activists. On Wednesday night she attended the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner and Thursday she attended a Human Rights Campaign Rally at Freedom Plaza.
On "appropriate" attire for the Capitol, Kathy was advised to wear a suit. Naturally, she thought this was a joke so she donned her finest pair of designer Heels and a jeans.
"So I thought, 'Okay, then I'll wear jeans with heels' and, by the way, a fabulous Herrera blazer," she said.
But, "I really did feel self-conscious because as the day went on, I realized I kind of looked like an [ass] wearing jeans, even though I had Louboutins on. So I got that wrong."
She later changed into a more Washington friendly outfit for a dinner in her honor at Ris Restaurant. . A hot pink Valentino coat, demure Chanel sleeveless dress and towering Fendi heels looked just about right for her.
But thumbs up for effort Kathy.