Yesterday Bluewater Productions biography comic book announced that the Lady Gaga comic was selling out towards the end of the day. Today Kristen Stewart's comic is doing the same.

Despite aggressively over-printing the comic, "Fame: Kristen Stewart", the company literally cannot the comic on the shelves.
Next month the company will print up a giant sized flipbook with "Fame: Kristen Stewart" and "Fame: Robert Pattinson" The 48-page comic will apparently have new material that has never been seen before.

“For Twilight fans, Kristen Stewart is a woman whom fans long to be and love to hate,” said the author, Kim Sherman, who has also penned Bluewaters’ Robert Pattinson entry.

"Kristen has been in the public eye for years, and her career as a serious actor spans dozens of films over a 10-year period of time. My goal with this biography was to show readers the depth residing in this young woman and the roles she’s beautifully tackled through a series of spot shots, pinups and word art,” she said.

She also said that the artwork by, DC/Wildstorm artist, Warren Martineck really brings the story to life.

Next month the publishing group will release comics on Taylor Lautner, Justin Bieber and David Beckham. The aim of the comics is to examine the personalities who influence culture. The New York Times said "If you’re going to start a line of biographical comic books devoted to “culturally relevant celebrities and pop-culture icons,” Lady Gaga is probably a good choice to inaugurate the series.”