The Isle of Wight Council has hit back at Emma Thompson after comments she made on the “Late Late Show” with Craig Ferguson.
The British actress, currently starring in “The Return of Nanny McPhee”, accused Isle of Wight residents of “stoning homosexuals”. She also said that Irish and Scottish people were shot if they arrived on the island.
Although the actress was clearly speaking in jest politicians from the island have spoken out against her “outlandish” and “ridiculous” comments.
The Isle of Wight is the largest of Britain’s islands located in the English Channel, off the south coast. An island representative, David Pugh said “It's a great shame that someone with her profile should make such ridiculous claims.
“Presumably Emma Thompson made these comments to get some laughs on the chat show.
“Her claims are 'Much Ado About Nothing' and as outlandish as some of the fiction in the Harry Potter films she has been working on.
“If there was a Golden Globe Award for Best Fictional Claims on a Chat Show, Emma Thompson would win it hands down"
Craig Ferguson, an expat of Scotland, and host of the show, told Thompson he was going on vacation to Catalina, an island off California. The island is often compared to the Isle of Wight.
Thompson, responded roaring with laughter “Oh, so they stone homosexuals there? Nice…I think they are allowed to shoot Irish or Scottish people if they arrive on the island. It is still in the rules, they are allowed to torture people. It's lovely, you should go."
Officials said that Thompson had gotten the Isle of Wight confused with the Isle of Man where homosexuality was only legalized in 1992, 25 years after England and Wales.
