Emilie de Ravin has been letting fans know about what it was like to work with Robert Pattinson on their recent movie 'Remember Me." She was speaking to the London Independent.
She is an actress that Pattinson clearly likes. She's really cool," Pattinson told the newspaper "She was actually the last girl we saw and she was cast on the day of her audition, so we went straight out to a bar. It was so close to filming that we didn't have time to rehearse. But she got it right from the beginning, so it was easy."
De Ravin agrees Pattinson was cool too. "Our relationship in the film is intense," she nods. "We spent a lot of time together, talking about our characters and their relationship, because it's so important to be comfortable together. Then, when we were actually shooting, everything fell into place and felt natural. It didn't ever feel like we were reading a scene or going through the motions."
But did they manage to have any fun on set?
"If you're getting ready to do a really emotional scene then, right before it, you're probably not going to be outside playing basketball," she shrugs. "But everybody involved was passionate about it so there was a good vibe."
Was she upset that Twilight fans and paparazzi had easy access to locations.
"It was distracting at times," admits de Ravin. "We shot 90 per cent on location in Manhattan or Queens so it was very accessible. It's not like they can close down Central Park. So it was difficult for Rob and I to figure out the logistics of a rehearsal when you've got thousands of people watching. Even if you're not looking at them, you're aware of it. It can be hard to focus."
