Read more: Actor’s from U2’s ‘Spider Man’ call for closure ‘before someone dies’ – SEE VIDEO
Read more: Curse of U2’s ‘Spider-Man’: Lead actress quits
A leading Broadway critic has called on Bono and the Edge to take charge of "Spider-Man" the $65 million star crossed Broadway show they wrote the music and lyrics for.
New York Post Broadway critic Michael Riedel called "Spider-Man" "a danger zone of a musical.
He says Bono and The Edge are due in New York this week to go over their creation and he says they need to take tough action.
"One thing Bono should sort out right away -- even before the incomprehensible second act -- is the sound system." Riedel wrote.
"The Foxwoods, a barn of a theater, probably has the worst acoustics on Broadway. There are numerous "dead spots" throughout the auditorium, and many people who've seen the show complain that they couldn't hear many of the lyrics." Riedel wrote.
He also stated other priorities that Bono needs to take care of.
"While he's in town, Bono also might want to:
* Write a proper opening number.
* Ditch the annoying Geek comic-book chorus.
* Cut Arachne's embarrassing and campy shoe-shopping number.
* Come up with an ending that packs a little more punch than dropping a giant-size Spider-Man shower curtain.
* Send Reeve Carney to acting school.
* Hire a new bookwriter. (Arthur Laurents?)"
Read more: Actor’s from U2’s ‘Spider Man’ call for closure ‘before someone dies’ – SEE VIDEO