Bill O’Reilly, host of ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ on FOX News, recently dedicated a segment of his show to analyzing the unprecedented response to South Korean pop star Psy and his viral hit ‘Gangnam Style.’
Psy recently beat out Justin Bieber and his video for his song ‘Baby’ as the most-viewed video on YouTube. ‘Gangnam Style’ has racked up an astounding 840,131,442 views to date, while ‘Baby’ trails at 806,247,150.
In O’Reilly’s segment, the show host and his guest, psychiatrist Keith Ablow, attempt to analyze just why Psy has found such great success with his Korean lyrics.
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During the segment, Ablow asserts that since the song is mostly “without intelligible words” (it’s in Korean for the most part), it’s effect is a mindless one for the masses, and goes on to equate it to a kind of drug.
Ablow goes on to say that he believes that “people don’t want any meaning” from their music right now. “The meaning is that it has no meaning.”
O’Reilly goes on to say that the success of the video is “Internet-driven,” and states that the Internet is a place where people go to “numb” themselves.
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Check out Bill O’Reilly and Keith Ablow discussing ‘Gangnam Style’ here. What do you think?: