Posted by TheYank at 9/14/2009 8:26 AM EDT
We're in the middle of just about the best stretch of weather this summer (autumn here - that's another story), but our local supermarket has started stocking the Christmas items. Yup, on the second Saturday of September our local Tesco started putting out their Christmas chocolates and other items.
I know from my daughter, who has returned from her American summer, that Wal-mart has had their Halloween candy on the shelves for the past few weeks and she thought that was obscenely early, but this is beyond ridiculous. It isn't just that chocolate is perishable - I presume it'll last the 3 months - but these things take up room. Who wants to store chocolate Santas in their house for three months? And, it's not like you won't be able to find these items six weeks down the road.
