St. Patrick's Day will be moved to April in Morristown, New Jersey, which has rescheduled their parade until then because of the foul weather which forced only the second cancellation in 32 years.
The first time was in 1992 when a major snowstorm occurred.
Mike Quinn, parade co-chair and president of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick said he and the committee convened twice before making the decision to cancel. A date in April has now been proposed.
Quinn said he understood that parade-goers were disappointed but the weather was too foul to proceed. “They’re not anymore disappointed than we are. There were thousands of volunteer hours to produce the parade and over hundred (volunteers) who are very disappointed,” Quinn said.
“We look at it as a show and no one wants to have a show where the audience isn’t enjoying themselves and are not safe. We plan to make a bigger and better parade soon to be announced.”
