Top Irish news stories:

Irish judge jailed in landmark case over deception charges - VIDEO

The first ever judge to go prison in Ireland received a 2-½ year sentence for attempting to defraud a friend of his fortune...READ MORE


No Diaspora Irish need apply for Constitutional Convention in Ireland

The Constitutional Convention in Dublin will meet shortly to consider changes to the Irish Constitution.

The lack of an emigrant representative among the 100 strong members is an unfortunate reality that will lead to a perception abroad that once again the Irish government is making clear that the emigrant voice is not important, even though the emigrant dollar clearly is...READ MORE


Top ten Christmas jokes guaranteed to make the cat laugh

Love them or hate them, cheesy, silly jokes are all part of the good cheer during the festive season. After the success of my first selection I put together another list of ten stupid Christmas jokes...READ MORE


Suspected Irish serial killer Larry Murphy spotted in Amsterdam - VIDEO

One of Ireland’s most notorious rapists has been spotted in Amsterdam chatting with women...READ MORE


Ireland ranks as the 12th best place to be born in the Economist’s 2013 Lottery of Life

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a sister company of the well known The Economist, has created a list of the top twelve best places to be born in 2013 and Ireland came in at number 12...READ MORE
