As the Irish Government’s four-year Budget plan reveals major cuts which will effect the poorer people of Ireland hundred in Ireland are queuing for free food parcels each week.
Charity campaigner, Brother Kevin Crowley, has revealed that the most disadvantaged in Ireland’s society have been living in fear of the $8.5 million budget cuts.
Speaking at the Capuchin Day Center he said “There's anxiety. The biggest fear is the budget," he said. "One of the things I'm concerned about is how the poor and working-class people come out the worst in all of these situations."
The center was set up in the late 1960s by Brother Kevin. Back then just 50 food parcels a week were handed out and mostly to Dublin’s homeless, many of whom had drink and drug addictions. Now Brother Kevin and those at the center are providing 250 breakfasts and 400 hot lunches every day.
Speaking to the Evening Herald, Brother Kevin said “We have a new kind of person coming now…Over the last year we have people who are finding it difficult to make ends meet, who have problems trying to run their homes and these are the people that we call the new poor."
"A number of people are of course ashamed to come to a place like this for food. It's very difficult to queue in the street for food. It's degrading for people.
"Some of the little kids that come in here with their parents have to tell their pals in school they're going to a hotel for their dinner."
