An Irish man is selling his entire online business in a last-ditch attempt to save his 7-year-old son’s life.

County Dublin boy James Leahy is suffering from stage four Neuroblastoma and time is running out.

The plucky child has endured just about every sort of treatment his young body can handle in Ireland and doctors there say he has a 20 percent chance of survival.

However, Sloan Kettering, the cutting-edge oncology hospital in New York, has introduced a new antibody treatment which could help James.

The Leahys need to raise $350,000 to get James into the program. “That's just a starting figure,” said James' father Daniel Leahy, 48.

Leahy is now selling his thriving in a bid to raise money for this possible life-saving treatment.   Leahy says he has no choice. He has to sell his livelihood to save his son.

Daniel and Linda Leahy first brought James to the doctor when he developed a limp. James was brought into the hospital, and within two weeks, the family learned the grim diagnosis. The cancer had begun on the adrenal gland over his left kidney and had spread throughout his body.

Since being diagnosed, James has undergone severe chemotherapy and numerous blood transfusions in an effort to rid his young body of the cancer.

“The treatment is almost worse than having the disease,” said his father.

The brave family has suffered a double blow as James' younger brother Mark was born with a heart condition and is on medication five times a day.   "Sometimes we are at Crumlin Children's Hospital and we have one child in the heart ward and one child in the oncology ward."   James is now facing his final bout of chemotherapy in Ireland and Irish treatment options are running out fast.   "I can't emphasize enough how much I need to sell my business," says Leahy.   Leahy set up in 1997 and it has been a huge hit with the Irish Diaspora.

“It’s a great business opportunity," says Leahy, "and it's easy to relocate because it is all done through the net.”

Leahy is also throwing the domains, and into the sale. "it’s not just one Web site a person is buying,” he said.   There has been some interest already in Ireland but Leahy thinks that the U.S. is a better fit.   “There is already a lot of actual stores like my one in the U.S. and they are very successful, so following from that I could definitely see the business – that I’m by the way reluctant in selling, but I have no choice – do very well over there too," he said.   Buyers will get “excellent goodwill, extensive customer mailing lists, catalog subscriber lists and email newsletter subscribers,” he says.   If you or someone you know may be interested in, email Daniel Leahy at [email protected]