The California man charged with hacking into the computers of Miss Teen USA and a 17-year-old Irish girl will plead guilty to one charge of "sextortion" when he faces a judge this month. Under the terms of the agreement, Jared James Abraham, 19, may be sentenced to 33 months in prison and face a $1 million fine.
Abraham, a computer science major who lives in Temecula, used an arsenal of computers, cell phones and hacking software to take over an estimated 30 to 40 machines around the world. He controlled the systems' webcams and gathered images of women in Southern California, Maryland, Ireland, Canada, Russia and Moldovia.
Abraham would then contact his victims and demand that they send him nude images or take part in live chat sessions. If they refused, he threatened to post their photos online to humiliate them.
The Irish victim begged with Abrahams to "have a heart," as she complied with his order to take off her clothes during a Skype session.
"Please remember I'm 17," she pleaded. Abrahams ignored her distress.
"I do NOT have a heart," he allegedly responded. "However I do stick to my deals. Also age doesn't mean a thing to me."
The hacker came to the attention of the FBI when Cassidy Wolfe, the reigning Miss Teen USA, reported that her Facebook password had been changed. She told authorities that someone was demanding nude pictures of her.
If she didn't comply, Abrahams threatened to turn her "dream of being a model" into a nightmare of porn stardom.
Part of the criminal indictment charges that Abrahams accessed Wolfe's Twitter account and changed her profile picture to a half-naked image of her that he captured using her webcam.
The FBI was able to identify at least seven victims. The Irish teen is referred to as M.M. #1. When they confronted Abrhams, he admitted to his hacking activities.
The Los Angeles Times reports that Abrahams had bragged of his exploits on a hacker form.
