Irish Central Contributor Agreement

This contract serves as the Agreement between Irish Studio, LLC (the “Publisher”) and you (the “Contributor”).  By using the Contributor Services you accept that a legally binding contract has been entered into with Irish Studio, LLC on the terms set forth in this Agreement.

  1. Work: You agree to contribute an original, written article, video, graphics or photos (the “Work”) to Publisher that the Publisher will use at its discretion for its audience base worldwide.
  2. Rights Granted: the Publisher and Contributor agree to the following:
    • Contributor retains ownership of the copyright of the Work you submit.
    • Publisher retains the right to exclusive publication of the Work among its websites for five business days, after which time the Work may be reused in part or in full on other websites with a link back to the original article on the appropriate Publisher website.
    • Publisher retains the non-exclusive worldwide right to offerings such as, but not limited to, t-shirts, books, movies, TV shows, other merchandise physical and digital of the Work in all formats and distribution now known or developed later.
    • Publisher retains the non-exclusive worldwide right to sell the Work in any format and use the Work in advertising and promotional material in all formats known and or developed later
    • Publisher retains the world-wide right to commercially benefit from the work in perpetuity
  3. Warranty:
    • You warrant that the Work does not violate, infringe, or encroach upon any contract, copyright, or trademark, or contain anything libelous, abusive, defamatory, obscene, depicts pornographic, nudity or otherwise objectionable.
    • You also warrant that the Work will not (a) include unauthorized disclosure(s) of personal information, trade secrets, or confidential information and (b) violate anyone's rights, including without limitation intellectual property rights or the propriety rights of others.
    • You agree to indemnify and hold Publisher harmless against any liability, loss or cost, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of any breach of these warranties.
    • The Contributor assumes all risks relating to the Work.
  4. Compensation:
    • Publisher shall notify the Contributor upon acceptance of the Work for publication. If the Contributor does not receive a response within 14 calendar days, it can be assumed that the piece was not selected for publication.   
    • This Agreement is intended for Contributors who believe they will benefit personally or professionally from the publication of their Work without compensation.
    • By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge that you are not entitled to any compensation for your Work or any activities related to your Work and that the Publisher may benefit commercially from your Work.  
    • You further acknowledge that the Publisher has no obligation to provide you with data or analytics concerning your Work.
    • Irish Studio reserves the right to remove or not publish any content you submit at any time but does not have an obligation to do so.
  5. Editorial Changes: Publisher reserves the right to edit, revise, or alter the Work as it deems necessary, including but not limited to the following: changing headlines, adding links to articles, choosing the art, images, or illustrations, refining the length and clarity of the Work, and promoting or not promoting the Work across all of the Publisher’s websites, newsletters, and social feeds.
  6. Miscellaneous:
    • You acknowledge by clicking submit on this page you are agreeing to all the outlined terms in this Agreement.
    • This Agreement and all acts and transactions pursuant hereto shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the state of New York.
    • The parties acknowledge that each party has read and understood the terms and provisions of this Agreement before execution.
  7. Any questions or queries please email [email protected]