Get your facts about games of chance in Ireland here

Ireland is considered a rather popular tourist destination because it offers an impressive green countryside, rich culture, many historic landmarks, and friendly people. There are so many things that people want to do when they want to experience Ireland in a most memorable way. You can find an abundance of interesting facts that will lead you to the popular tourist attractions we mentioned before, but if you are looking for a more daring experience then look for the games of chance. 

Playing casino games is deeply ingrained into the Irish culture and is considered one of the must-do activities when visiting Ireland. But, there are several things you should pay your attention to, and one of them is the gambling laws in Ireland. So, today we are going through the basic laws everybody should know before indulging in any kind of casino game. 

The Betting Act

After the Irish independence, appeared the first betting act that created the foundation for the future betting regulations in Ireland. As we are all familiar, there are different forms of gambling, and the Irish Betting Act has made the land-based casinos illegal all over the territory of Ireland. This means that there are many variations that occurred without breaking the rules and restrictions of The Betting Act. 

The basic premise of The Betting Act is to prohibit the opening of commercial casinos in Ireland. How this compares with US real money laws can be further noted with the rising popularity of online casino platforms in Ireland. 

The Online Casinos

The most popular form of gambling in Ireland is playing online casino games. This form of entertainment has its rules and restrictions that have to follow without breaking the Irish laws for casinos. This means that every casino game is legally available on online casino platforms. 

With the rise of the online casino games, the Irish Government has legalized these web sites in the year of 2003. Another interesting thing to note is that the Irish Government has established a notion that issues special licenses to web gambling operators in order to create online gambling platforms all over the country. 

This license is rather important when it comes to following the tax framework that applies to online casino platforms. This means that you can still play your favourite games of poker, slots, blackjack, and so much more form the comfort of your home without worrying about the basic regulations of the casino providers.

Enjoying your games on a licensed online casino platform would secure the money you are investing in this kind of entertainment activity. You can also find various guides and lists that state the licensed documentation of the platform in order to fully enjoy your time. 

The existence of the gaming laws will shape the betting activities in a way that they offer an age limitation, an upgraded licensed system for gambling activities, including online casino sites, and creating an overall gambling regulation. And all of this would be in favour to the player.