Emma Rooney.Courtesy of European Movement Ireland.

A Northern Ireland woman born in 1998, the same year the Good Friday Agreement was signed, shares her deep connection to the Agreement in a video marking the 25th anniversary of the signing.

The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, was signed on April 10, 1998, by the British and Irish governments, and confirmed by referendums in Ireland and Northern Ireland in May the same year.

The agreement established devolved political power-sharing structures for the nationalist and unionist communities in Northern Ireland, and brought the period of violent conflict in Northern Ireland, known as The Troubles, to an end.

People born in Northern Ireland the same year the Agreement was signed, are often referred to as "Peace Babies."

"Peace Baby" Emma Rooney talks openly on feeling a deep connection with the Good Friday Agreement in a video released by the European Movement Ireland.

Rooney, a PA and Engagement Officer with the organization, travels from her home, the border town of Warrenpoint, to Dublin most days for work.

“As the Good Friday Agreement and I both turn twenty-five, Northern Ireland stands at a crossroads.  While welcome progress has been made with the signing of the Windsor Framework, there is still some way to go.  However, as a peace baby, I still believe wholeheartedly in the principles of the Agreement. If one person is alive today as a result, then it has been a success," said Rooney.

“Twenty-five years ago, Northern Ireland took its first steps into the future. We have to keep moving forward and keep working to maintain the peace that was so long sought after and fought for.  

“Twenty-five years from now, I hope we can look back and say, look how far we have come.” 

European Movement Ireland has released a series of films that speaks to the everyday people who did their bit to ensure the Good Friday Agreement succeeded.  

In the following mini-documentary, thirteen people, spanning generations, share their personal stories of life before and after the Good Friday Agreement, and their hopes for the future.

Mike Galsworthy, Chair of the European Movement, said:  “Some moments in history teach us just how far we can go when we work together. What we present here is a series of as yet untold true stories of how the power of cooperation and Europe’s mission, commitment and hope for a peaceful future transformed Northern Ireland, changed the course of history and inspired the world.   

“I am so proud to introduce the result of months of tireless work from our team and the generous people of Northern Ireland who welcomed us, opened up to us, invited us into their homes and workplaces, shared their often-painful stories with us and gave us more than 25 hours of their time."

The  European Movement Ireland was founded in 1954 and is the longest-established Irish NGO working on European affairs. An independent, not-for-profit, membership organization, EM Ireland works to develop the connection between Ireland and the European Union.

For more information, visit  www.europeanmovement.ie