Michael Flatley has launched his #FlatleysTapforTen social media campaign to raise money for the homeless this holiday season.Michael Flatley, YouTube

Irish dance phenom Michael Flatley, most notably known for Lord of the Dance, has launched the #FlatleysTapforTen campaign in order to raise funds to ensure as many homeless people as possible can get off the streets this Christmas.

Funds raised through #FlatleysTapforTen campaign will be distributed amongst Centrepoint UK, Depaul Ireland, Depaul UK, and Depaul US.

Flatley said: "It breaks my heart to see so many people living on the street. This virus has had a devastating effect on people's lives. We must all pull together and try to help get some families off the street for Christmas. Please help me. Even the smallest amount can help.

He added: "You don’t have to be a dancer to get involved, you just need to post your video to social media with the hashtag #FlatleysTapforTen. Nominate your friends, family, anyone you know to get involved and encourage them to donate anything they can via the GoFundMe.

The campaign is focused on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and challenges anyone to post a ten-second dancing video. You don't have to be a dancer to get involved, you just need to post your video to social media with the hashtag #FlatleysTapforTen and the link to GoFundMe page. You can then nominate friends, family - anyone you know to get involved and encourage them to donate anything they can to give homeless people a chance at the end of this terrible year.

About Centrepoint

Centrepoint is the UK's leading youth homelessness charity and works with over 15,000 vulnerable young people every year. They provide accommodation, teach life skills, and work with them to address their physical and mental health issues and get them ready for education or employment.

This year has been tough for everyone - especially young people and those facing homelessness. Centrepoint have seen calls to their Helpline more than double compared to the months leading up to the pandemic, with many more than usual from young people forced to sleep rough.

It doesn't have to be like this but to change things they need your support. With your help they can make sure the 24,000 young people facing homelessness this Christmas have access to the information and services they need.

To find out more about their work, visit centrepoint.org.uk.

About Depaul

Depaul is a group of international charities working to create better outcomes for people experiencing homelessness across the world. Depaul was founded in 1989 as a humanitarian response to the growing number of rough sleepers in London. Now, Depaul operates in seven countries and last year supported over 22,000 individuals.

The money raised for Depaul through the Tap for Ten campaign will be split three ways:

Depaul Ireland - a cross-border charity working in the area of homelessness and homeless prevention. Since its establishment in 2002 Depaul Ireland has been a pioneering organization in the delivery of low threshold, specialist services in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and supports people through a variety of accommodation and community-based supports.

Depaul UK - a charity supporting young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Every person Depaul UK help has a unique situation and a unique set of needs, so focus is placed on the individual, and tailored support is offered. For those with nowhere to go, accommodation is offered. When relationships break down, support is provided to keep families together. Progression Coaches work alongside young people to empower them to live independently. Depaul UK also run activity programmes to help young people to manage mental health problems, build healthy relationships, and access education, employment, and training.

Depaul USA - established in 2009, Depaul USA provide a range of services for people experiencing homelessness including permanent supportive housing, affordable housing, temporary housing, day centres and health supports.

To find out more about their work, visit int.depaulcharity.org.

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